If your competitors are better at marketing and presenting their property online, you’re going to get beaten to that booking every single time.
So, here are nine ways to stop hotel booking leakage without having to upgrade your technology.
What Is Booking Leakage?
In selling your hotel rooms, typically, people buy what they see and experience long before they get to touch and feel the actual product itself – they buy the virtual or online representation of your hotel.
So, booking leakage is the gap between those that look and those that book.
Without Having To Upgrade Your Technology
When it comes to improving the performance of an accommodation business, you need to start with where you are currently with your property and beneficially optimise your technology stack.
But, because technology change is disruptive and expensive, we would rather try and avoid it and instead make your existing technology stack work for you in the best way possible.
Three Areas That Cover, Closing the Gap
In the competitive and fast-paced digital world of travel, you have just seconds to impress. So, it’s important to identify the point in the process where you might have some leaks.
At any one point in time, there are a thousand people online looking for accommodation in your suburb. And of those thousand people, how many people actually find YOUR property listings, and how many actually make a booking?
Three areas we will cover to help you close the gaps are:
be found,
be enticing, and
be compelling.
And all three of these areas interchange with each other.
How To Stop Booking Leakage
Over the coming weeks, we will cover how to improve your performance using the nine ways to stop hotel booking leakage.